Victoria Scout Group's Emblem

Victoria Scout Group's Emblem
We will do our best to uphold the standards of Victoria Scout Grooup

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Saturday, January 19

Scavenger Hunt

Date : 19th of January 2008
Time : 0730 hours ~ 1330 hours
Agenda : Scavenger Hunt
Venue : Scout Den Vincinity & School Compound

0730 : Boysouts arrived in school to get ready for Scavenger Hunt.

0815 : TL Poh fell in the troop to gave the list of things to find for Scavenger Hunt.

0900 : After TL Poh broke us off, PL's organized the boyscouts to find the list of things to find. Form 2's were given the duty to handle and explain about Scavenger hunt to the form 1's. Boyscouts were off to find the list of things. PL's from Fox, Lion & Tiger went out together to get the things that could not be found in the school compound.

1100 : PL's returned and told the Boyscouts to arranged the things that they found, so it could be represented to the Seniors for inspection. All the Patrols gave a good performance.

1230 : After TL Poh announced the winner for the agenda was Lion Patrol, the Seniors 'floured'

1300 : The Troop Song was sang by the Boyscouts and Seniors. We were all dismissed by TL Poh. All the patrols had a short meeting and the boyscouts were dismissed by the PL's.

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