Victoria Scout Group's Emblem

Victoria Scout Group's Emblem
We will do our best to uphold the standards of Victoria Scout Grooup

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Sunday, March 16

Date : 23rd of February 2008
Agenda : Mini Treasure Hunt
Venue : Scout Den Vicinity, School Compound

0730 hours : Boyscouts and seniors started to arrive.

0800 hours : Due to a function was held in the hall, TL Poh told the PLs to change the base and task in the hall to behind Bengkel KH.

0830 hours : TL Poh fell in the troop and the PLs gave their reports. The boyscouts did some push-ups due to the unclean condition of the troop fall in area. After that, a new form one was installed into my patrol. Then TL Poh broke off the PLs and we ran to the Green Wall to hide there.

0900 hours : After getting the master clue, which is “ Yellow and Blue ”, the boyscouts ran to the Green Wall. I were the shadow of Hornbill patrol and I asked them run around the school field for 2 rounds. Then QM Sanjiva gave his report and I gave them a message “Beside nature” which leads them to the Koperasi.

0920 hours : They found the clue and quickly solve it. They get the message “Sultan S” which leads to VIOBA.

0950 hours : They reached VIOBA and began to find for the clue.

1020 hours : After they found their clue, they solved it and get the message “True Blue” which leads them to form six’s block.

1100 hours : They found their clue at the form six’s block and solved it. After that, I had to go back due to some circumstances and SPS Loke took over and continue to become the shadow of Hornbill patrol.

1230 hours : TL Poh fell in the troop and announced that there was no winner for this
agenda. Then TL Poh dismissed us after we sing the troop song.

- End of Report -

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